Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First Missions Trip to Sarahs Home

Today March 14th 2012 the first round of people will be headed up to Sarah's Home and begin breaking ground on this new project we have been working so hard for.

This first team of construction crew will begin doing some demo work in efforts to assist in the new build that will be taking place April 1st. So if you really want to think about it these guys and gals will begin working on breaking down the walls of Jericho today.

We pray for safe travels for this first team of people and strength for their bodies to do the work they are set out to do for the next couple of days. Thank you team from Church on the Rock for being willing to take action and help with this large project.

Their goal is to also be able to do some ministry into the community around the area to enable them to be aware of the fact that we need to work together as one in efforts to bring about goodness and gentleness in this endeavor. We hope to be able to have pictures as soon as the return home.

For more information on this first trip or on Sarah's Home please be sure to go to or

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