Sarah's Home

Sarah's Home is a home in Colorado for juvenile girls who have been rescued from being sexually exploited & trafficked in the United States. It will be a specialized place to meet the distinctive needs of young girls, and it will provide a refuge for healing and hope for the future.

Construction begins in March to alter an existing facility into a house with 4 bedrooms with a possibility of beds for 8 young girls to begin with and hopes of 16 young girls at max capacity in the future. This facility will provide housing, counseling, comfort, care, education and safety with Godly principles.

With sex trafficking on the rise around the world Sarah's Home will be the first of its kind in the state of Colorado. Sarah's Home is purely funded by generous donations from, private and corporate donors, churches, foundations and special events such as this one.

Sarah's Home from Living Hope Church on Vimeo.

If you wish to donate monthly directly to Sarah's Home please go to to find out how you can do that online or by mail.

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