Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Mark Abney Jr. and a little helper at Church on the Rock with the display for The Retreat.
The Retreat is a one day event designed to bring the community together as one for a common purpose.

Mark Abney Jr. founded "The Retreat" in 2011 a call to his heart for the community, 2012 will be our first Annual event to kick off this new and exciting outreach.

Our goal is to raise money and awareness for Sarah's Home, a home for juvenile girls who have been rescued from sex trafficking. It is a non-profit ministry that will provide a refuge, healing and hope for the future.

For 2012 our day for the event is July 7th 2012 at Canyon View Park from 11am-4pm. Our Funding goal is to help raise $70,000 for Sarah's Home along with products for the home. We can't do it alone, we will need your help. Are you ready to help us? Are you ready to take a stand and help them?

Our 2012 Event Host is by Church on the Rock in Grand Jct CO. 

Our 2012 Event Sponsors: Redlands United Methodist Church; Appleton Christian Church; Wet Paint Ministries and a few others that are pending.

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